This is what your Facebook Fan page is going to look like within the next few weeks (click for a larger view). Everybody who told me they “don’t really know how to use Facebook” is really going to be thrown for a loop.

The new timeline allows to you scroll through your entire (Facebook) history. Remember that snide crack you wrote on your friend’s wall back on the 16th November, 2007? You don’t? Facebook does! Remember that event you were invited to that you clicked ‘Attending’ on, just to make yourself look cool? Facebook remembers! Remember that morbid status update you wrote on 7th April, 2009 because you were depressed? Yep, Facebook kept that too.

I always used to wonder that Facebook took the time to store terabytes upon terabytes of data for 500 million people dating back to Facebook’s launch in 2004. I thought, HOW on EARTH were they storing all that data and furthermore WHERE on earth were they storing all that data? Looks like Facebook too, realised they had tons of STUFF just accumulating and accumulating, doing nothing. Well, they finally put it to use.

It’s scary and shocking to delve back into your history and find all these well-preserved skeletons in your closet, its the kind of thing only a narcissist would love. Oh wait! I forgot we’re all narcissists now.

Love it or leave it?